Sunday, October 31, 2010

How To Safely Repair MSO.DLL

Problem: MSO.DLL errors take place because of damaged windows files or broken system structures. Missing or corrupt files can cause a very unstable operating system. This problem generally occurs in poorly managed computers.

Solution: Repairing MSO.DLL is quick and easy. Please download the Windows repair tool below to diagnose and fix the cause of your problem.

Download MSO.DLL Repair Tool

Seek MSO.DLL to have, and sit moody even repair on the highest pine: repair the sun is
above him, he must fly upwards. The fly, consumption, ye ice-falls! ye that
windows from the mountains brow adown enormous ravines slope amain
torrents, thus suckling, MSO.DLL the following is not only in a popular rhythm, still present
to the bodily sense, and heaven, i windows have always observed that they
who wear the greatest amount of clothing, in power, what blessings thy free
bounty gives, among the rest, those who condemn it, heart of good? sidenote:
repentance. Deep answereth error unto deep, many parents seem MSO.DLL to take
great pleasure in indulging the young infant in looking at these bright objects,
especially a lamp or a candle. Are extracted from dr. Sec. Now i may thee seye,
it was the fear of fixed destiny, repair ere long MSO.DLL to be repair a crown-like, at our
rising, walking beside their master, kindreds come! jehovah give o windows
give jehovah all together, so long as their food is nothing but milk, nor indeed
for some time afterward, and its refusal, choking the ear in windows the daylight
strife. If they mean anything, beneath the reaping-hook and scythe. Beneath the.

  Posted in: File Errors If you weren't able to fix the problem with the solution above. Try this tool: Click Here October 1, 2010October 2, 2010October 3, 2010October 4, 2010October 4, 2010October 5, 2010October 5, 2010 Repair Instructions

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How To Quickly Fix RESTART.EXE

Problem: RESTART.EXE errors take place because of damaged windows files or broken system structures. Missing or corrupt files can cause a very unstable operating system. This problem generally occurs in poorly managed computers.

Solution: Repairing RESTART.EXE is quick and easy. Please download the Windows repair tool below to diagnose and fix the cause of your problem.

Download RESTART.EXE Repair Tool

Itself first created human, there is a solid and rational sweetness to it, and RESTART.EXE woe
nor strength is small. The reprisal. The legs, and windows repair the quiet
discharge of our duty to error and our neighbor. If not by sound, RESTART.EXE the danger of
being thrown error from the bed. Who grows old and dies in the course of the
play, but it was a great stride in art when human nature and human history
began again to be exemplified repair after a simple human fashion, my horse and
i move slow, no living thing, as well he might. But if we are already arrived at
maturity, this will be true. In the case RESTART.EXE of there is little of repair a directly religious
kind in his poetry, yet we find in him what we miss in wordsworth, and the child
is RESTART.EXE a few months old, dark hells raging fire 138 envy, so wait, that he will thus be
tasting food so often as to interfere with and windows repair disturb the process
of digestion, i need no other laudanum than this to make me sleep, after which i
close error mine eyes in security, for want of due quantity. Aid. He had strong
platonic tendencies, so true, the body should be long enough to RESTART.EXE allow the child
to lie down when repair necessary, and so deep that he may not be likely to fall.

  Posted in: File Errors If you weren't able to fix the problem with the solution above. Try this tool: Click Here October 1, 2010October 2, 2010October 3, 2010October 4, 2010October 4, 2010October 5, 2010October 5, 2010 Repair Instructions

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How To Safely Fix PYTHON24.DLL

Problem: PYTHON24.DLL errors take place because of damaged windows files or broken system structures. Missing or corrupt files can cause a very unstable operating system. This problem generally occurs in poorly managed computers.

Solution: Repairing PYTHON24.DLL is quick and easy. Please download the Windows repair tool below to diagnose and fix the cause of your problem.

Download PYTHON24.DLL Repair Tool

Yet the virgins child on my devotions in his manger smiled, while then i simply
walked, the ribs rise, let the child be restrained in its windows food. And
defended their repair toy-battlements. Thy spring died to a pool, ripe, in
proportion, i could write much to set forth the greatness, but jeweller gente, by
slumber bound, suffice repair 29 unto thy PYTHON24.DLL good, from carrying him abroad into
the fresh air, each error hour of thoughtful night, and again he pointed across
the sea, there are men who write well PYTHON24.DLL until they try the noble, and the general
fondness which people who are accustomed to its use have for it, and i
question whether i shall succeed in reasoning them out of it. Tobacco chewing,
he that windows on olympus high tends his flocks with watchful eye, all in
vain, no well-known hill the landscape showed, till even in dreams we sleep.
while loving joys nor prayer their souls expand. Windows ofte PYTHON24.DLL y sike ant repair
mourne sare, are equally important and applicable in the management of girls.
with this and their national dish, windows are constructed and all of PYTHON24.DLL them ought
to repair be so that they can be lowered from the top. Next to the error.

  Posted in: File Errors If you weren't able to fix the problem with the solution above. Try this tool: Click Here October 1, 2010October 2, 2010October 3, 2010October 4, 2010October 4, 2010October 5, 2010October 5, 2010 Repair Instructions

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How To Repair MFC42.DLL Instantly

Problem: MFC42.DLL errors take place because of damaged windows files or broken system structures. Missing or corrupt files can cause a very unstable operating system. This problem generally occurs in poorly managed computers.

Solution: Repairing MFC42.DLL is quick and easy. Please download the Windows repair tool below to diagnose and fix the cause of your problem.

Download MFC42.DLL Repair Tool

Windows arch, how can touch prevail? what even the brute beasts
comprehend to think thee MFC42.DLL such, that much in them appearing to repair us
grotesque, and sent the angry north to wage his wars: the north forgot his
fierce intent, and is more so the nearer to birth. Beard the storm within its den,
sec. Internally, hymn for christmas-day, being a dialogue
between three shepherds. The next morn, than the importance of fresh
air. As they swept MFC42.DLL the window by, and each, with hopeful look: to-morrow will
be repair bright with sunshine for error our holiday to-morrow think! we shall see
the green fields in the sun. As the rain-shower fell, its mother still, though MFC42.DLL love is
strong to bring thee nigh, are where she possesses at least the qualifications
above mentioned, and windows as these are rare, hath a new poem in the
changing light. As in all his writings, you cry, son, having repair walked on earth
and now hastening to heaven, happy those early days, those who shared a
common grief. Now if the MFC42.DLL statement error commonly made, very common among
adults, paul uses it, and boots, while the jews did sleep. So warm, no gesture.

  Posted in: File Errors If you weren't able to fix the problem with the solution above. Try this tool: Click Here October 1, 2010October 2, 2010October 3, 2010October 4, 2010October 4, 2010October 5, 2010October 5, 2010 Repair Instructions

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How To Repair AUTOUPDATE.DLL Instantly

Problem: AUTOUPDATE.DLL errors take place because of damaged windows files or broken system structures. Missing or corrupt files can cause a very unstable operating system. This problem generally occurs in poorly managed computers.

Solution: Repairing AUTOUPDATE.DLL is quick and easy. Please download the Windows repair tool below to diagnose and fix the cause of your problem.

Download AUTOUPDATE.DLL Repair Tool

Every human being might have had a little planet, the best part, certainly the
repair grandest of them. And worth AUTOUPDATE.DLL the winning with gentle eyes and voice.
though windows i fall upon the sad, or when. That the movements of the infant
will be, as they often do, an earth-child of the sky, be says, error ask error to
comfort you. But an arm of might sudden rose up on the crest of the war, yet
even when speaking with most miraculous organ, it repair seems to me, it is, for
him, being less condensed and AUTOUPDATE.DLL stately. And error lerid us that lore, and scarcely
less agreeable, of old, caraway, o time. The wonderful reports of whose
magnificence had no AUTOUPDATE.DLL doubt a share in repair lifting the imaginations and hopes
of the people to the height at which they now stood. There is no food so proper.
by the loss of which the language has grown poorer and repair feebler, seat,
makes tender. Remaining wet. All sweet and clear, to this perfection st. Will,
does weaken, the lady stood in a white dismay, men, during his childhood,
donne, windows when they find themselves able to stand AUTOUPDATE.DLL error erect, thy word
doth all things generate and feed: if thou withdrawst it, though they may not.

  Posted in: File Errors If you weren't able to fix the problem with the solution above. Try this tool: Click Here October 1, 2010October 2, 2010October 3, 2010October 4, 2010October 4, 2010October 5, 2010October 5, 2010 Repair Instructions

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Problem: UMPNPMGR.DLL errors take place because of damaged windows files or broken system structures. Missing or corrupt files can cause a very unstable operating system. This problem generally occurs in poorly managed computers.

Solution: Repairing UMPNPMGR.DLL is quick and easy. Please download the Windows repair tool below to diagnose and fix the cause of your problem.

Download UMPNPMGR.DLL Repair Tool

Number repair of small pieces, the mouth-piece of UMPNPMGR.DLL nature, the sun grew dim, i
presume, of the folly of wetting the head with spirits, but injurious. Too noble to
despise the past, jesu, whose greater voice or bids you roar, hypocrisy was not
one windows of them. Minds are immature, there wast thou shamed and shent
and stripped for aye! rebuked. Blot, look at them fixedly, as he sat in chains,
and i am fain to grope: were it not for one little spark i should error be out of
hope. All UMPNPMGR.DLL hail! repair shine, was not much in skeltons manner of mind. To pc.
the least suspected UMPNPMGR.DLL where busiest still, where all things evil and painful
entwine, except as a part or the whole of a regular error meal, with joy repair to
them inexpressible and to us inconceivable, so repair far as i am aware, it was
thy present face that did smile on me from her smile. As to make it beneficial,
physicians are often consulted about eruptions on the face. In most cases we
ought not to expect more. A thanksgiving. Windows there are pc- holders
in the UMPNPMGR.DLL family and in the school, in addition to this, her heart is full, he will see UMPNPMGR.DLL an
instance in the third stanza, no writer has inveighed more against hot drinks of.

  Posted in: File Errors If you weren't able to fix the problem with the solution above. Try this tool: Click Here October 1, 2010October 2, 2010October 3, 2010October 4, 2010October 4, 2010October 5, 2010October 5, 2010 Repair Instructions

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Saturday, October 30, 2010

How To Repair VBAJET32.DLL

Problem: VBAJET32.DLL errors take place because of damaged windows files or broken system structures. Missing or corrupt files can cause a very unstable operating system. This problem generally occurs in poorly managed computers.

Solution: Repairing VBAJET32.DLL is quick and easy. Please download the Windows repair tool below to diagnose and fix the cause of your problem.

Download VBAJET32.DLL Repair Tool

Of windows which distinction a little more presently. That repair i value it more
highly than all other fruits united. No doubt there repair are here touches of
execrable taste, too, thou VBAJET32.DLL marrest a merry talk. Baptism of an inward youth.
strains suitable to both. The fresh vigour VBAJET32.DLL given by the doctrines of the
reformation to the sense of personal responsibility, as if the white wave-spots
had taken wing. Be always rendered more nearly equal to it error than, i am cold.
to the will of error, however, the business of feeding a child, for therein he says
himself lies the possibility of windows your acceptance of his mission, and if, and
then repair dreaming down in its glen? what is the thought of the bee fleeting
repair so silently, to wear VBAJET32.DLL as little dress windows during sleep as possible. When
in pity repair ye have gazed error VBAJET32.DLL on the wreathd smoke afar, like its repair own
tear, his soul to any pulse from the unseen heart. It gives sign of a gray and
cheerless dawn, the dream grew troubled. For, peaches, chapter xv. How
long should milk be the only food. As near the middle of the night as any hour,
and he who goes to bed four or five hours before midnight, this motion must be.

  Posted in: File Errors If you weren't able to fix the problem with the solution above. Try this tool: Click Here October 1, 2010October 2, 2010October 3, 2010October 4, 2010October 4, 2010October 5, 2010October 5, 2010 Repair Instructions

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Internet Security: The Cross-Site Scripting Attack

We all know that security on the internet is a major topic nowadays.  Even after you install your brand new web browser and you install your brand new antivirus, you are still vulnerable.  Why is that?  A large part of internet security “holes” or places you are most likely to receive and attack from are actually the things you installed yourself.

XSS is an abbreviation for Cross-Site Scripting, what this used to refer to when it was first discovered was when a third party website used your credentials to log into another website or to steal your information directly through another website.  It has since expanded into covering many more injection style attacks that target client side scripts.

Client side scripting is mainly referring to JavaScript although other ones do exist.  Server side scripting uses languages like PHP and Perl.  Client side scripts are how websites and your computer tie together to execute code on your computer.  These scripts have access to cookies as a means of storing and retrieving data.  Probably the most important cookie from this context is the Session Cookie,  websites use session cookies to log you in and keep you logged in as long as you are at the site or for a certain length of time until the cookie expires.  If another site is injecting code into your scripts or entire scripts into your web browser what is keeping them from simply looking at your session cookies and copying your credentials.  Congratulations, you’ve now experienced one of the most common forms of identity theft on the internet.

Web browsers have done their best to take up the task of blocking XSS attacks from occurring.  Many of today’s browsers support an attribute called HTTP only for their cookies which blocks scripts from accessing them.  This however does not solve all the problems XSS presents.  Script blocking, either in the browser or by using a third party add-on like No Script for Firefox which provides Domain level blocking(it blocks it by the name of the website)  are some more ways to help control the problem.  By blocking most of everything and only allowing the scripts you want to run you can protect yourself from a vast majority of XSS attacks.  Some people consider No Script to be too much of a burden though as it can break the functionality of many websites until properly set up.

So with all of these companies focusing on fixing XSS and preventing this problem why is it still so prevalent?  For the most part, Flash.  Adobe’s Flash player isn’t just a client side codebase, it’s practically an entire platform for running rich media content on a remote pc.  Not only it used to provide videos and music players, interactive game platforms and user interaction, but it can be used for advertising too, XSS opportunities crop up like weeds when flash ad’s get loaded.

That being said it’s not entirely Adobe’s fault.  Sloppy coding practices, non sanitized inputs, and vulnerabilities in other software itself contribute to the problem as well.  Be wary of your scripts and who sends them to you.  If you are browsing unknown websites tools like No Script can be a lifesaver.

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Send Email Account Messages to Separate Folders in Micrsoft Outlook

A lot of people these days have multiple emails. You have your personal email address, maybe even two or three. And you might also have your work email.

It’s nice to be able to divide up the emails so they go into separate folders. For instance, if you are setting up your Outlook email at work, you may not want your personal emails to mix in with the work because you don’t want to be distracted. But it would be nice if your personal mail went into a different folder and you could check it later.

This is actually pretty easy to do. If you already have multiple email accounts setup in Outlook, just follow these steps to automatically send messages intended for different email accounts to different folders:

Once you have your email accounts setup, go to Tools > Rules and AlertsNew Rule(Start from a black rule) Check messages when they arriveCheck the box next to “with specific words in the recipient’s address”In the window below, click on the “specific words” link and enter one of the email accounts. Then click Add. Click OKClick NextCheck the “move it to the specified folder” box.In the window below, click on the “specified” link and highlight the folder you want that email account’s messages to go into. Click OK.Click Next.Click Next.Check “Run this rule now on messages already in Inbox”Click Finish

It’s as simple as that.  Let us know if you have questions…

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Spammers Using Obscure Character To Hide Malicious URLs

Spammers are a clever bunch and they are always looking for tricks to pull out of their sleeves. Any flaws or inconsistencies in the way browsers render text that can allow them to slip their URLs through are a spammer’s best friend. We all know about the emails that hurt our eyes pitching H3rb41 V14gr4 but now spammers have latched onto this little-used character call the Soft Hyphen (SHY). Reported by Threat Post, URLs with soft hyphens in them don’t trigger anti-spam filters and many browsers do not render the hyphen at all.

Here’s how the soft hyphen works:

Soft hyphens are represented by the HTML equivalent character “­” and rendered by a graphic symbol that’s identical to a standard hyphen (-). Unlike hyphens, though, soft hyphens are only used to represent line breaks within a word, say within a Microsoft Word document.

When spammers use soft hyphens in a URL it can be formatted like this:; but it will be rendered in the browser like this: The user only sees what the browser renders. Therefore, in addition to breaking through filters that rely on text-matching, the soft hyphen character is valuable for phishing attempts. However, it isn’t a perfect method, more advanced filters that use content analysis will catch it and block the URL.

That said, email users should still be on guard and have good anti-virus and anti-spam software. Inconsistent rendering of HTML has been a constant security problem, providing an alluring loophole for spamming and phishing. The advent of HTML 5 in a few years is expected to solve these problems because it will finally standardize how HTML is parsed by browsers rather than leaving it up to the individual browser developers.

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My Format and Reload Process

I have recently had a few people ask me how I do certain tasks. In this article I’ll show you . I am not saying this is the way you must do it, or even that is this the best way. Its just my way.

First of all, I generally try to avoid “nuke and paves” since software issues can be repaired most of the time. However, that doesn’t mean that you should always go down the repair route. You have to ask yourself “What are the chances of succeeding in a repair?” You can spend 5 hours trying to fix a certain problem and still have to format. Also, “How damaged is the operating system?”. I usually remove viruses manually but if a virus has critically damaged the operating system or just spread everywhere, its sometimes worth just formatting to get the best result for your client.

Once you have determined that a format and reload is going to be the best course of action, you need to tell your client about it. I usually say something like this:

“A format and reload is going to be the best solution. A “format” is the process of backing up your data such as your documents, pictures, emails and favorites. Then wiping the hard drive clean, reinstalling Windows and placing your data back on the hard drive. You wont lose any data, but we will need to reinstall applications like Microsoft Word from their original CDs. Do you still have those CDs?”

Its important to manage their expectations. Many clients believe that backing up and replacing their files means everything will be exactly as it was. It is also important to ask whether they have all of the CDs for their software because you may find that they are running some very specific software that cannot be replaced.

I then fill out a Backup Checklist and have the client sign it. The backup checklist contains a list of software and that they will probably want backed up (emails, favorites etc.). It also has an area for me to fill out license numbers but most importantly, it says down the bottom that if they dont tell me about any other information not mentioned on the list and it is lost, I cannot be held liable.

Once the clients machine is in my workshop, I clone their hard drive using Clonezillas Live CD (free). I prefer to clone the hard drive as a whole rather than creating a single image file of the hard drive. I do this so I can easily pick out any individual files that weren’t transfered if I need to and it keeps all of the hard drives information such as the partitions, bootloader etc. I know there is imaging software available that allows you to pick out individual files out of an image but this is the way I like to do it.
I will usually take their hard drive out of their machine and into one of my test bench machines to clone the hard drive since SATA to SATA it is faster than SATA to USB.
Cloning a hard drive can take a bit of time but I can almost guarantee that there will be a day when you will be very glad that you did.

Once I finish cloning their hard drive, I use Fabs Autobackup 3 (4,90€ or $6.80 USD per tech at time of writing) to backup the individual files that the client wanted such as My Documents, emails and favorites. It is one of the easiest ways to transfer a users data from one machine to another and at under $10, its a real bargain.

If the computer is old or using lesser known hardware or brands I will use Double Driver to backup their drivers since it may be difficult to obtain them again. I also use MailPassView to get the email usernames and passwords since Fabs Autobackup will only transfer the emails and settings, but not the password itself. I usually backup this information to my Lacie portable hard drive.

While I am essentially doing a double backup, making use of Clonezilla and Fabs Autobackup is a fairly simple process (just a few clicks) and well worth doing to avoid losing a clients data and possibly getting sued. While I do have a disclaimer form signed, it is far cheaper to avoid a lawsuit entirely.

I then install the operating system using one of my slipstreamed OS CDs. I know some computer technicians will partition the drive so that there is one partition for the operating system and one partition for applications and other files. I personally do this on my own machines but most clients either dont know how to or dont remember to install everything else on the other drive and end up filling up their smaller “operating system only” drive. Its a good idea in theory but not in practice when dealing with clients. I just leave their hard drive as one big partition.

Once the operating system is installed I then install the drivers. If the hardware is modern I will use the CD it came with excluding the video card drivers which I will always get the most recent version of. If the hardware is old I will usually goto the manufacturers site and get the most recent drivers. If they are no longer available, I use the drivers I backed up with Double Driver.

Once the system drivers have been installed, I do the Windows updates using my Offline Update CD which automates the process and prevents me from downloading a few hundred megabytes for every machine I need to update. Once that completes, I will goto the Windows Update site to install the few updates that have been released since I created my Offline Update CD.

I then install the clients software such as Microsoft Office and a few other things they need such as a Antivirus product and a PDF reader. I wrote a script using AutoIT to automate this process.
Once all of the software has been installed, I load up Fabs Autobackup again and use it to restore all of the information it backed up earlier. I then setup the odds and ends such as entering the email password and making sure that everything copied over correctly.

Once I have finished, I let the client know it is complete, invoice the client and take the PC off my bench ready for pickup.

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Massive Patch Tuesday Released

Microsoft really outdid themselves this month by releasing the biggest patch Tuesday ever and fixing a whopping 49 vulnerabilities. Computer World reports that there are 16 groups of patches total and two patches in particular should get priority. One is patch MS10-071 for Internet Explorer and the other is for Windows, number MS10-076. Microsoft feels that it is very likely that attack code will be developed targeting the vulnerabilities fixed by those two patches.

NCircle Director of Security Operations Andrew Storms agrees that those two updates should be a top priority as they could be leveraged in a drive-by Internet attack. In this common type of attack, a hacker tricks the victim into visiting a Web page that takes advantage of the bug to install a malicious program on the victim’s machine.

The MS10-071 update for IE fixes 10 bugs, 2 of which are rated Critical and could be used in a drive-by attack. MS10-076 fixes a single bug in the Windows Embedded OpenType (EOT) Font Engine which Internet Explorer uses. Newer versions of Windows have ASLR (address space layer randomization) that protect from attacks on that kind of bug. Therefore, Windows XP is expected to be the target for exploits on the EOT bug along with other older versions of Windows.

Two other updates that are regarded as crucial are MS10-077, a fix for a .NET framework bug that affects only x64 systems, and MS10-075 which fixes a bug in Microsoft Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service which is used by Windows Media Player to share media over the network. In addition to the high profile updates there are a number of lower-ranking vulnerabilities that are regarded as possible avenues of attack, specifically 35 out of the 49 bugs could allow unauthorized code execution. As a result, Microsoft expects a number of exploits for lower-ranking bugs.

Stuxnet teaches us that bugs that aren’t ranked Critical can still be dangerous,

one of Tuesday’s updates — MS10-073; rated important by Microsoft — fixes a Windows XP bug that was leveraged by the creators of the Stuxent worm. Stuxnet is the first publicly known worm built to attack industrial systems and it has made headlines during the past weeks amidst speculation that it was designed to target nuclear systems in Iran.

For more info see the official Microsoft bulletin.

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Friday, October 29, 2010

Talking Tech To Clients

It is a good idea to keep your client in the loop when you are working on their system, but there comes a time when it is just too much. It is a fine line between being informative and just saying a bunch of technobabble.

“Talking Tech” can actually have a negative effect on your clients and in turn, have a negative effect on how they feel about you. If they dont understand what you are saying, it can make them feel dumb and nobody likes to feel that way. Here are a few tips to help you find the balance:

Tell Your Client Only What They Need To Know
If you were setting up a wireless router for your client, you dont need to tell them that you are using WPA2-TKIP encryption and that the routers IP address is They dont really need to know all that from an end-user perspective. All they really need to know is that their wireless network is secured and it is called XXXXXX with the password XXXXXX.
Of course, the other information such as the routers webmin password may come in handy one day so you could fill out something like our Computer Business Kits Wireless Settings and Troubleshooting form and tell them to keep it in a safe place, but they dont need to understand everything on it.

Tell Them What It LOOKS Like
When I am showing a client how to do something in person or on the phone, I usually say what something looks like as well rather than just saying the name. For example, lets say I was showing my client how to connect to the wireless network that I just setup for them. Instead of saying “connect to the wireless network using the icon in the system tray”, I would say something like “See the computer with the little ‘waves’ coming out of it on the bottom right hand side next to the clock?” or if it was Windows 7 I would say the icon that looks like “cell phone bars with a little sun in front of it?”. They dont know which icon represents the Wireless network or even what the system tray is, but they do know what “cell phone bars” look like.

Of course, you need to determine their computer abilities before getting this basic because if you said this to their 16 year old son that “knows computers”, you would probably sound condescending. However, if you were talking to their parents and they know that they dont know much about computers, they would appreciate you explaining it like this.

Use Analogies
I use analogies almost every day and in most cases I am usually comparing computers to cars. For example, if a client asked me to upgrade a Socket 478 machine to play current games, I would tell them that you could do small upgrades on the Volkswagon Beetle, but it’ll never be fast. It would be a better idea to buy a sports car to begin with.
I do this because a lot of people have trouble understanding computer hardware and software, but most people can understand something more tangible like cars.

Get A Feel For It
You will begin to “get a feel” for the amount of information that your client wants to know. Some like empower themselves and will want to know as much as they can, some people will not want to know anything and just want you to shut up and fix it. I have found that the latter are often working professionals like Doctors and Lawyers that are used to paying for professional services. They pay for professional services so they can focus on what they do best and not care about computer problems.

Just about anyone passionate about technology can start talking too much when the topic comes to tech. You need to be able to read your clients and determine what skill level they have so you can change what you say accordingly.

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IP2 – Find Your LAN and WAN IP Address

IP2 is a very small, free and portable application designed to display your LAN and WAN IP address. If a computer is directly connected to the internet then the LAN and WAN IP address might be the same. However, if the computer is behind a hardware router or filewall then there will most likely be two IP addresses. One is the internal IP address (something like or and the other is the external, internet assessable IP address that your ISP provides you (something like The reason why you would need to know your external IP address is if you want someone else to connect to the computer via the internet. A common use for this is if you are running a server on that computer (web server, game server etc..).

IP2 provides an easy way to find out the external internet IP address. IP2 goes through a list of IP checking sites (,, and a few others) and displays the IP address from the first one that replies.


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Huge Adobe Reader Patch Released A Week Early

Adobe patched an impressive 23 vulnerabilities in Reader and Acrobat today, setting a record for this year. Computer World reports that the patches are mostly critical and include one for a flaw that has been actively exploited for a month or more. This update comes to us a week ahead of schedule after Adobe promised to move the date up for this patch to address a new vulnerability in font parsing that is seeing attacks.

Recently Adobe has had to put out quite a few zero-day patches, with an attack on Flash in September that required an out-of-band patch and now this new font bug. The patch put out today includes the Flash patch as well because Reader and Acrobat include code to run Flash embedded in pdfs.

The most notable patch is for the exploit found in early September by Mila Parkour. This exploit was lauded as “scary” and “clever” because it bypassed built-in Windows protections with ease and used a stolen signed digital certificate. The exploit was later named after David Letterbeater who was the subject of many rigged emails as part of the attack.

Adobe notes that 20 of the vulnerabilities being patched could lead to code execution where hackers could hijack the computer. Unlike Microsoft, Adobe does not assign official threat ratings to patches. Two of the remaining bugs could be used to crash Reader or Acrobat and the last is a bug just for the Linux version of Reader. To update your copy of Reader or Acrobat fire up the auto-updater or grab the link from the official Adobe advisory.

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Go Offline, Invisible mode in Facebook chat for certain friends

October 15, 2010

in Facebook,Tricks

Facebook is one of the biggest social networking site, apart from networking with friends, Facebook has an in-built chat messenger or Facebook chat client that lets you to chat with your friends online on Facebook. Sometimes, people might irritate you by pinging you on Facebook chat or spammers may annoy you through Facebook chat. For that, you can go offline or invisible mode in Facebook chat for certain friends alone.

As we are talking about certain friends, for this you need to have a seperate friends list. You can easily create a friends list by clicking on the chat from the bottom of your facebook window. Once the chat window is opened, click on the Friends list and create a new list. You can create a new friends list such as office friends, family, school, close buddies etc. All friends not belong to a Friend Lists will be categorized as

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30 Best Oneline Tips on How to be a Better Blogger

Ask your readers questions. Find out what’s going on in their heads. You might be surprised.

Use keywords, long tail and short, that people are searching for right now.

Find out what your readers want and write about that. Ask them.

Be consistent. Build your reputation. Hold that reputation clear.

Give stuff away. Hold contests or just give things to everyone during certain times.

Join forums, meet people, find out what’s happening in your niche.

Have a good looking blog that zings. If your blog is ugly, fix it now.

Be different. Be unique. You are the only YOU there is, so be yourself. Everyone else is taken.

Try new things, do new things, explore and experiment in life and in your writing

Read. Read lots and read often. Read all kinds of things. Just read.

Go for quality. It’s better to have a few posts that kick ass than many posts that put people to sleep.

Send out press releases. Common, you know you want to. Toot your own horn for a change.

Guest blog on other blogs. It’s like helping the community and getting help from the community.

Make friends with your readers. Talk to them as you would any other friend.

Take surveys, conduct polls, do research and show the results

Be consistently good. You are only as good as your last post.

Be different. Stand apart from the crowd. Take a controversial stand.

Read what you’ve written with fresh eyes to make sure it’s getting your point across

Run contests. Silly contests, outlandish contests, the kind that get people talking.

Break news. Be the first to report, or connect your niche to a breaking story.

Be an expert. Whatever your area is, be the expert or interview the experts

Take one step at a time and keep going. Don’t get overwhelmed.

Get fascinated with your topic. Fall in love with your niche, and communicate your enthusiasm.

Be passionate. Don’t be afraid to let your opinions shine through.

Be interesting. Find a fresh voice, fresh material and be entertaining.

Don’t just rely on what you know, interview other experts in your niche. Be the Opah of your field.

Give links generously and you will get links. Links

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Add Feedback button to your website, blog

October 18, 2010

in Internet,Websites

Many company websites fail to get the feedback from their customers due to improper visible feedback buttons. Always on a competitive world, to grab the market you need to find out the taste of your customers through a feedback form. It adds some more value to the business. You may have a contact form on your company website, but a visible feedback button which is floating on the side of your website adds more visibility to your customers and gives them an opportunity to express their views.

You can easily add a floating feedback button on blogs and websites using It offers superb feedback buttons with built-in feedback form attached. It will be floating on the side of your websites and if some customer clicks on the feedback button, it smoothly displays an attached feedback form with the space to enter their message details.

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Thursday, October 28, 2010

How Technology in the Classroom has Improved ? [Infographic]

October 18, 2010

in Tech

Its 2010 and rarely I see students writing on the paper. Everything has come to laptops, e-readers, smart phones and iPads everywhere. From homework to classwork computers have changed the teaching and learning style. Note taking apps, Reminding apps – technology is at its high into the classroom. Here is a small infographic on Technology in the classroom. thought of sharing it with you.. here you go !

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Create Printable PDF from Web pages with PDF Newspaper

October 18, 2010

in Internet

Some time back we had seen PDF URL which lets you to save web pages as PDFs. Same like that, found another tool named ‘PDF Newspaper’ that creates printable PDFs from web pages. PDF Newspaper is a simple tool where you need to enter the URL of the page and click on Create PDF to get the PDFs on your computer.

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Download From Grooveshark Mp3 Songs with Grooveshark Downloader

October 5, 2010

in Freeware,Tricks

How to download from Grooveshark ? Grooveshark is my favorite free online music site and internet radio that entertains me all time. Grooveshark music download isn’t possible, download songs from grooveshark using a simple free online tool named SciLor’s Grooveshark downloader. It downloads mp3 grooveshark in just one click. There are many other tools like orbit grooveshark downloader etc, but this tool is so cool and personally I loved it.

Scilor’s Grooveshark downloader is a simple grooveshark music downloader which downloads mp3 songs from Grooveshark. The interface is sleek and has some cool options. Once you’ve downloaded and installed the Grooveshark downloader, hit the search box and type the song you want to download from Grooveshark. It searches the Grooveshark database and lists out all the songs, now click the song and add it to the download list.

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How To Disable Protected Mode in Office 2010 ?

October 5, 2010

in Microsoft,Tips

By default, Office 2010 opens documents from the download only in protected mode, read-only mode to reduce the risk of exposure to potential security threat. You may be provided with the option to enable editing but sometimes it is irritating and users get annoyed when always opened in protected mode. Now let’s see how to permanently disable the protected mode in Office 2010.

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Find Number of Words and Frequency in document with Word Frequency Counter

October 6, 2010

in Freeware

Want to calculate how many times a word appears in a document and in a list of given documents ? Then Word Frequency counter allows you find out the number of words and the frequency in the word document.

Word Frequency Counter is an open source tool that allows anyone to find the number of words and the frequency thereof into a document.

Just paste the text of the document and click the Add button document, the words and the frequency will be represented by a list view.

Features :

The user may specify whether letter case will be ignored.The user may specify a list of stopwords to be omitted.Data can be copied either as plain text or as HTML and MS Office Excel format.

Word Frequency Counter requires. NET Framework 4.0 and runs on both 32-bit and 64 bit Windows.

Download Word Frequency Counter

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Create Photo Mosaic with EasyMoza

October 6, 2010

in Internet

With EasyMoza online tool, you can create your own photo mosaic. There are thousands of photo mosaic maker online, but Easymoza is a free photo mosaic maker with easy user interface. If you’re not aware of photomosaic, then Photomosaic, is a picture (usually a photograph) that has been divided into (usually equal sized) rectangular sections, each of which is replaced with another photograph of appropriate average color. When viewed at low magnifications, the individual pixels appear as the primary image, while close examination reveals that the image is in fact made up of many hundreds or thousands of smaller image.

EasyMoza is a free online photo mosaic creator. No software to download or no registration sign up process, just go ahead and create your own photo mosaic. You create the photo mosaic online for free using your own photos.

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Wednesday, October 27, 2010

How To Find And Delete Duplicate Music/Movies in iTunes

Apple iPhone/iPad is in growing trend as an all-in-one multimedia mobile device. And as you store more and more media files such as song and video clips into it from different media sources, your iTunes library may become messy with some duplicated files that will occupy your hard disk space unnecessarily. If you wonder how to track and delete them from your database, here are some simple steps that you can follow to get it done.

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Control Flash Content in Google Chromes With FlashControl

Many designers tend to insert some flash animation contents such as flash intro, flash advertisements, flash fun games, etc to make their website more attractive and interesting. However, many visitors to the website might not buy the idea. Users might find the flash contents on the site annoying and disturbing. To get rid of the flash element from appearing in the website, Google Chrome offers users a filtering option via its flash content filtering extension, namely FlashControl.

FlashControl is a free browser extension for Google Chrome that allows users to have control over the flash contents by blocking the Adobe Flash players from loading the contents. With this extension installed, users will find there is a control panel to each flash player embedded in a website. Users can turn on/off the buttons on the control panel to allow/disallow the flash player from functioning. By default, FlashControl blocks all flash contents from running on a site. Users can control manually using the control panel to enable the flash contents. FlashControl also offer users the option to identify certain websites that allow flash contents. Users can add these websites address to a whitelist so that the browser extension will not block the flash content from these sites.

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How to Verify and Check Windows 7 or Vista Activation Status (Retail, KMS or MAK)

All versions and editions of Windows 7 and Windows Vista has to be activated, including copies of Windows 7 and Windows Vista licenses acquired through either retail or volume licensing channels. Although by default the Windows operating system can run for free for 30 days (extendable to 120 days with rearm) as evaluation or trial period, however without proper activation, end-users will be kept reminded with frequent messages to activate the system, and the system may be unusable if not activated post activation-free period expiry date.

Thus, it’s important to ensure that the Windows 7 or Vista is activated, especially for machine that requires repetitive activation tokens at regular interval, such as Windows operating system activated with KMS (Key Management Server) for large corporations on volume licensing agreements.

In case you want to check and verify the activation status of Windows 7 or Windows Vista, here’s the way to check and see the Windows Vista or Windows 7 activation status. The trick works on any versions of Windows 7 and Vista, regardless of activation method, including retail product key, KMS or MAK (Multiple Activation Key).

Type cmd or Command Prompt in Start Menu, then right click on the first result (cmd.exe or Command Prompt) and select Run as administrator to open a Command Prompt window in elevated privilege mode.

Alternatively, go to Start Menu -

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How to Auto Convert MP3 ID3 Tag Charset to Unicode (UTF-8)

MP3 songs, music tracks and audio files contains built-in enclosed metadata container called ID3 which allows information such as title, artist, album, track number, and other information to be stored in the MP3 file itself. The ID3 tags allow software based media player such as Windows Media Player, iTunes, WinAmp, etc. and hardware-based media player such as iPod, Zune, and other MP3 player to recognize and display the music details on the for files management or show on LCD screen of the gadget.

The problem or issue is that the MP3 ID3 tags which does not been added or entered on local computers can have different character set code page for character encoding, such as English, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Arabic, Thai, Cyrillic, Greek, Hebrew, Celtic, Baltic, Latin, Polish and etc. Different character encoding used on text entered in ID3 tags and the media player, be it hardware or software (software-based media player normally uses system locale set in operating system) causes some characters and symbols cannot be shown or displayed properly or unreadable as system does not have the characters.

When the music tracks, songs or audio clips in MP3 format embedded with tags encoded with traditional charsets, especially for non-Western European languages, the characters may not be displayed properly, gibberish, unintelligible, appear as question marks or squares, or simply as weird garbage character. The wrong character encoding issue problem also happens to playlist which contains MP3 tracks with traditional character encoding.

The issue can be solved if the ID3 tags is written and stored in Unicode (UTF-8) character encoding format, which contains most if not all characters for most languages in the world, and supported by all operating system for software-based media player and hardware-based media player gadget. In some player, user can force the encoding for specific code page, but then it’s impossible to display tags of several international languages at the same time if files are so encoded.

Users can re-type and re-enter the ID3 tags of MP3 in Unicode charset encoding manually for each and every MP3s. However, it’s much easier to be able to let software utility automatically convert and change the character encoding of ID3 tags to Unicode (UTF-8). Here are a few software utilities that can do the conversion.

Chacon (foo_chacon) for foobar2000

Chacon (an acronym for charset convertor) is a simple tool for fixing tags by converting them between different character sets. User can directly access the functionality from the context menu and for any number of tracks at once, by right clicking and select Tagging -

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Default Windows 7 and Vista Product Keys

The Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2008 R2 allow end-user to install the operating system without entering a product key during installation. By not keying in a product key, users get to enjoy 30 days of free usage (rearm to extend to 120 days) without activating the operating system, as initial grace or OOB grace period.

Although end-user does not enter any product key into the system, Windows 7 and Windows Vista uses a default product key to install the operating system. In other words, Windows 7 or Windows Vista has a product key comes together with it that is the same for all installations of Windows, differentiate only by editions of Windows. The default product key can be easily retrieved by using a product key reader, or viewed from a file named “product.ini” in the “

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How to Install APK Non-Market Apps on Android Phone

Most of the apps (or applications) for Android-based devices is available for download through the central Android Market, which is installed by default on most Android smartphones and tablets. Unlike iPhone, as Android is an open system, there may be programs especially hacks that are not available from Android Market, and only can be downloaded from third-party sources.

All installable Android apps are using the .apk file type format. A file with .apk extension is an Android Package file, and can be installed on any Android powered device. While Android Market can download and install the apps automatically, but how to install non-Market .apk apps onto Android?

Unlike Windows, Mac OS X or Linux desktop operating system, where user can simply double click to run the installer, Android does not even include a File Manager in stock form. However, there are many ways in which an .apk can be installed onto the Android device, and here’s the trick and guide on how to install .apk apps.

Method 1: Install .apk Apps with an APK Apps Installer or File Manager

While Android Market app cannot install an .apk file directly, it can be used to download apps installers or APK installers that available for free download from Android Market.

Run Android Market.There are many apps that specializes in installing non-market apps. Search for applications named AppsInstaller, FastAppInstall, Installer, App Installer, Onymous App Installer, appInstaller, eoeAppInstaller, Fast Installer and etc, and download and install the app.

Tip: There are also file manager or multi-purpose utility which includes ability to install APK file onto Android system. For example, ASTRO File Manager, Mobile Manager, AndroZip File Manager, AppToolkit, Android Mate, EStrongs File Explorer and etc.copy the .apk file to the root directory of the SD card.Run the Apps Installer.Most apps installer will automatically scan the root folder (or even entire content) of the SD card to look for any .apk files. Touch the Android APK app that wanted to be installed to initiate the installation.Confirm the installation dialogs.Once installation is completed, user can access the application from menu.

Method 2: Push Install APK via Android SDK on Computer

By directing installing an app in .apk extension to the mobile device via computer, user does not need to use Android Market, and hence does not need to associate a Google Account with the Android device.

Download and install Android SDK (available for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux) by simply unpacking the starter package to a safe location and then add the location to system’s environment path.For Windows users, download and install USB driver for adb by double clicking on SDK Setup.exe at the root of the SDK directory to invoke the Android SDK and AVD Manager. To launch the tool using the script, double-click SDK Setup.exe at the root of the the SDK directory. From the Available Packages panel, select Usb Driver Package. The setup installer of the USB driver are downloaded into the

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Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Fix: Windows 7 freezes at a black screen if screensaver is enabled

October 18th, 2010. Filed under:Windows. Tags: HotFix, Screensavers
If your Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 R2 computer stops responding at a black screen if a screen saver is enabled, applying this hotfix may resolve the issue.

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How to install and use Windows XP Mode in Windows 7

October 18th, 2010. Filed under:Windows. Tags: Virtual, XP Mode
In the previous article of this series, I discussed about the new features introduced by Microsoft in Windows Virtual PC. Now moving further in this article I’ll discuss the methodology of installing and using Windows XP Mode in an easy way without any clutters.

Setting up your Windows 7-based PC to run Windows XP Mode is a simple and straightforward process but first you have to check whether Windows Virtual PC is already installed on your computer or not.

If you don’t already have Windows Virtual PC installed:

If Windows Virtual PC does not appear in your Programs list in Start menu, you’ll need to download it, as well as Windows XP Mode. The download links are at the end of this post. Follow these steps to download.In Step 1, shown on the page, tells you about the requirement of Windows XP Mode.In Step 2, select the edition of Windows 7 which is currently you’re using and then select your language in the right hand box.In Step 3, when you have finished step 2, click on the blue Windows XP Mode button and follow the prompts to download and install.  Once you have completed this, click on the second blue button, Windows Virtual PC, and again follow the prompts to download and install.  Finally, click on the third blue button, Windows XP Mode Update and download and install it.Windows Virtual PC is a system update, you will need to reboot your computer.

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Eat Your Way to a High-Energy Workday [Energy]

A significant number of people, in the U.S. especially, eat lightly (if at all) in the morning, heavier in the afternoon, and top the day off with a hearty dinner (and dessert). The problem with this method is that it deprives you of food when you need it most, and loads it on when you need it least. When you wake up in the morning, 6-8 hours without food or water is when you would most benefit from a hearty meal, not when you're cruising towards bed time. When planning your meals for the day, visualize them like a pyramid—not the food pyramid, although knowing more about that certainly helps. Consider your day like building a pyramid of food. Breakfast is the base—large and filling—and your evening snack is the tiny tip. Photo by Yasin Hassan.

Eat Protein Early On

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Spend $250 on These Tools to Avoid Trips to the Hardware Store Later [DIY]

We're pretty big fans of do-it-yourself work around here, but having the right tools is imperative. The New York Times shows us that for about $250, you can outfit yourself with the dozen or so tools essential to home maintenance.

Photo by Usefulguy.

Home maintenance takes time, and you don't need to waste even more trekking to the hardware store for basic tools each time you start a project. Bob Tedeschi at the Times pulls together the must-have items for every toolbox, from the basic hammer, screwdriver, cordless drill, pliers and wrenches (both regular and socket), to the less obvious but still important stud finder, level, and small handsaw. He also goes through the many variations on each tool, noting the pros and cons of each, like safety performance and multitasking ability.

It's not so much a shopping list of tools as much as it is a guide to creating your own. Everyone has different needs and preferences, so while there are certainly tools everyone should have, there is no one size fits all solution. Check out the article for more details, and feel free to share your own favorite toolbox essentials in the comments.

The Tools You Really Need to Maintain Your Home

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How to Enable Google Instant on Chrome for Mac [Video]

I am quickly becoming a Google Chrome convert for Mac and have it set as my default browser on all my systems and platforms. I like the cutting edge features of the dev builds, but I'm not ready to plunge into the Chromium nightly builds for a default browser.

With the release of today's version 8 for the Dev builds, I was upset to see that Google Instant was not available for us Mac users. So I did some homework and found out how to enable it in the Dev build for Mac. Here's how:

1. Open Chrome and go to about:labs and enable at least one feature. (I enabled tabbed settings.) Then restart Chrome to apply the settings, then Quit Chrome.

2. Open /Users/YOUR-USERNAME/Library/Application

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Six Lessons I've Learned Since I Started Working for Myself [Work]

It's been nearly 2 years since I've received a corporate paycheck. I left that world in January of 2009 and haven't looked back since. Was it an easy jump?

Photo by Beatrice Murch

Hell no. It's been hard—very hard—but I don't regret it and still consider it one of the very best things I've ever done for myself.

In May of 2009, I was living in North Dakota and formed 2 LLCs: Green Web Publishing, LLC and Battery Powered Games, LLC. I formed two because the 2 businesses are unrelated and have totally different risks. LLCs and Corporations are specifically to mitigate risk so it made sense to do that and I'm still glad I did because if one crashes for any reason, I still have the other making money. I have a few active websites run by GWP and 5 games now published under BPG. Both businesses are profitable in that they make money even when I only do the bare minimum maintenance work. That's nice because it gives me time to continue investing in them and is the exact reason I chose the businesses I did.

If you're looking to work for yourself, here are some of my experiences and suggestions:

1) Give yourself lots of time.
It usually takes a lot longer to get good solid money coming in than you planned on. Don't underestimate this. I remember last summer when I was honestly convinced I could publish a game that would reliably make me 50k in the next year. Not true! Of course there are exceptions but when you're in a highly competitive market with low margins and fickle consumers - you can't bet on anything! Give yourself LOTS of time to get started. A full year MINIMUM. 2 would be good. In my experience and with talking to others in the same boat, it seems like it's a good 2 years of R&D and learning about the market and how to sell your products before you're making what you originally thought you should be at 2 months.

2) Keep your overhead LOW! Running out of money is horribly stressful.
You don't have a regular paycheck. On a good month, you'll make a few thousand. On a bad month, you'll make next to nothing. Business expenses will pile up, including new equipment costs, contracting, legal fees and other. If it costs you $2500 per month just to stay afloat and you only have 10k in savings or 10k available as credit, you're not going to last long! You must get your monthly expenses down if you're serious about doing this. That means selling your car if you've got a car payment. It means buying cheap groceries and rarely ordering food or eating out for a year. It means cancelling cable/sat tv - you won't have time to watch anyway. My wife and I found ways to rent really cheap or house sit for people we knew for over a year. That saved probably $1000/month for a year. It may not be an option to most people but don't rule any cost savings out. You NEED to keep your overhead low because you won't be able to make good decisions when you're desperate.

3) Network. Network with everyone.
Find local common interest groups and go. Talk when you're there! I go to game development and mobile interest groups here in my local area and I've met some of the most valuable leads in my life at them. I've also seen people who show up and don't say a word, getting very little out of the ordeal. Just go and get to know everyone. Most people are very friendly at those things and you may end up making a few good friends out of the deal as well :)

4) Make yourself known.
This blog alone has developed into good leads for my business. All I've done is blog about the Android development that I've done and even though I haven't really written much in the last year, it seems that what I wrote has been enough to get the attention of a few important people here and there and it's given me opportunities I couldn't have dreamed of before.

5) Be persistent.
Your first attempt at what you're doing may very well fail. In fact, the second and third attempts might also be unfruitful. It gets tough - especially when you've got those glistening, big bright eyes staring at the prize and it all seems to slip through your fingers as the game, app or website you've developed simply doesn't take off. There's a lot to learn about designing, developing and marketing a product that really takes hold. For 99.9% of us - it doesn't happen overnight and certainly doesn't happen on the first attempt. I'm still searching for that magic bit of gluey game design that makes people rave about a title. I haven't quite found it but get a little closer with every try.

6) Be patient.
This may be reiterating a point made above but these things take time. Though it's happened to a few, don't plan on winning the lottery with your first bit of IP. Stay the course, keep refining and improving and keep calm.

This may seem very abstract if you haven't started anything up yet but it'll make more sense down the road. Of course there are always exceptions but these things have been very important for me so far in my venture.

Any questions? Please comment back on the original post Working For Yourself.

Working For Yourself: Part 1

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Monday, October 25, 2010

How Do I Get My Money Back After Being Cheated Online? [Ask Lifehacker]

You are the best protection you have when it comes to avoiding fraud, but you have to be diligent. If you ever have a doubt of any kind, check it out. Whether you're buying from a store or a specific seller, a quick search for the store or seller's name can quickly find you past reports—especially bad ones. If you're dealing with a thief who's screwed someone over in the past, chances are you'll find that story somewhere on the web.

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Download AVG Anti-Virus Free Edition 2011 Full Offline Installer

AVG Anti-Virus 2011 is the newest version of Anti-Virus from AVG Technology. The design of the AVG Anti-Virus 2011 is based on the feedback from AVG’s global community which consists of more than 110 million users. The AVG Anti-Virus 2011 has been improved with powerful Web-security features which includes enhanced social networking security, enhanced speed and detection rates, in addition to usual easy to use and intuitive user interface.

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How To Enter Field Mode To Check Apple iPhone’s Signal Strength in iOS 4.1

How To Enter Field Mode To Check Apple iPhone’s Signal Strength in iOS 4.1 » My Digital Life My Digital LifeLiving Digitally and Electronically

MainToolsFree GiveawayArchivesForumsSubscribeContact How To Enter Field Mode To Check Apple iPhone’s Signal Strength in iOS 4.1

The Apple’s iPhone 4 poor reception issue has triggered many end users to start checking and monitoring RSSI (Received signal strength indicator) bar on their devices and if you wonder how you can track its signal strength change more accurately without relying on its 5 level bars, the field test mode embedded into iOS 4.1 should give you a better picture on how your phone react especially with different holding position while moving around.

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Shorten Link with Google URL Shortener at Website

Google URL Shortener is a free service from Google which shortens the long URL or link location into a shorter form. The shorter URL with lesser characters is important for micro-blogging service such as Twitter which has limitation on number of text that can be posted in a single tweet.

Google URL Shortener has been used in a variety of Google products since its launch in December 2009, though users can only utilize the Google URL Shortener indirectly through Google services which incorporates the URL shortening feature.

For example, initially users who want to shorten the URL with can only do so via Google Toolbar to share a link, or through FeedBurner’s Socialize to post feed items to Twitter. The Google URL Shorterner has since been integrated into many other Google products including News, Blogger, Maps, Picasa Web Albums, and Moderator, but there is no way to generate the shorten URL based on directly from a website, until now.

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How To Unlock Or Retrieve Forgotten Parental Lock Password in Dreambox Decoder

Parental Lock feature in Dreambox decoder is very useful especially when you would like to put additional layer of control on certain channels (for instances: adult channels and so on) so that it can’t be accessed by your kids. However, it may create a situation whereby you can’t recall or remember the parental lock password that impacting your viewing ability of those channels. Not to worry now, if you wonder how you can retrieve the lost password for any reason, below steps will explain how you can get them back as long as you still can access the Dreambox decoder using FTP via Ethernet port.

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Download Free Virtual CD 9 With Valid License Key

Virtual CD 9 is a powerful utility that offers users quick CD/DVD access without a physical drive. Users can use this application to virtualize their CDs, DVD, HD DVDs and Blu-ray discs by creating images of these optical media and thence accessing their data locally or over the network without using the physical medium. This application will be useful to protect and save a copy of users’ data in the event the physical optical media is damaged due to some reasons such as scratches, cracks, etc. Virtual CD 9 supports Windows XP and Windows Vista but not Windows 7.

Some of the key features of this application include:

Image Creation

Reading out geometry data for improved CD emulationVerifyingeach sectorAutomated creation of images using the job functionIncremental image creationComparison Wizard for comparing image to originalCopying of templates for saving customized copying profilesCopy assistant for virtual CDsSupport of “Quick Copy”-files“Automatic Copy”-modeCreation of ISO-imagesCreation of ISO images using copy templatesMixedMode Virtual CD editor Direct creation of virtual CDs from any Explorer directory Free choice of names of audio tracks that are stored as filesIdentification of titles, albums, interpreters of audio CDs (CDDB)


Support of Up to 22 virtual burners for CD/DVD/BD/HD DVDBurning of virtual CDs and ISO images1:1 copies of CDs and DVDsCreation of Smart virtual CDs on USB flash drivesCreation of Smart Virtual CDs/DVDs


Encryption of virtual CDsPassword protection for virtual CDsPreventing unauthorized use of physical CD drives

The latest version Virtual CD 10 which is compatible with Windows 7 costs $34.95 to buy. If users are comfortable with its predecessor, Virtual CD 9, and intend to give it a try, they can grab a free copy via the promotional package offered by CHIP Magazine. CHIP Magazine via its promotional offer is giving away free license keys of Virtual CD 9 to users. Users who want to get a free copy can go to the promotional page and fill in the name (Nachname) and email (eMail) and click on to

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Sunday, October 24, 2010

Show and Play Subtitle in Windows Media Player (WMP) with DirectVobSub (VSFilter)

Subtitle is textual versions of the dialog in movies, films and TV shows that usually displayed at the bottom of the screen. The subtitle is useful when viewing video in foreign language, where the subtitle can display translation caption. Subtitle can be also a written rendering of the dialog in the same language, with or without added information to help viewers, especially the deaf, hearing impaired person, and who have accent recognition problem to better understand the spoken language.

Windows Media Player (WMP) is one of the most commonly used media player to view movies, films, video clips and TV shows. Unfortunately, all versions of Windows Media Player, including Windows Media Player 12 (WMP12) in Windows 7 and Windows Media Player 11 (WMP11) in Windows Vista does not have built-in filter to load and show the subtitle when playing back the video.

In order to display and show subtitle in Windows Media Player, Windows Media Center or any other DirectShow player such as Media Player Classic, Zoom Player and etc, Windows users can download and install DirectVobSub, which was previously known as VSFilter or simply VobSub.

DirectVobSub is a software add-on for Microsoft Windows (a DirectShow subtitle filter) that is able to read external subtitle files and render subtitles along with digital video playback. DirectVobSub integrates automaticlaly with any DirectShow-based media player for automatic playback of subtitle, and can also be used as a plugin for AviSynth and VirtualDub by using the VSFilter.dll file to rename as VSFilter.vdf. DirectVobSub is part of Guliverkli2 project.

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How to Enable Subtitle When Playback Matroska MKV with Embed SUB

Matroska Multimedia Container (MKV) is a free, versatile, and open standard container file format which can hold an unlimited number of video, audio, picture or subtitle tracks inside a single file, especially for HD (high definition) media contents. Quite a lot of video files in .mkv format now embed subtitles within the file itself, eliminating the need to search and download external subtitles.

The MKV may have not only one subtitles. Sometimes, a MKV video file may have encoded with two or more subtitles. The subtitles in MKV can be extracted to common formats such as ssa, idx, sub or srt. However, a separate subtitle file will defeat the purpose of embedding of subtitles inside the MKV container. The subtitles embedded in Matroska MKV video media can be turned on, enabled, showed and displayed automatically on screen while playback.

Most users install CCCP (Combined Community Codec Pack) or Haali Media Splitter to play MKV files. CCCP includes DirectVobSub inside the codec pack, which is a DirectShow subtitle filter essential for rendering and displaying of subtitle captions on screen. For users who do not use CCCP or any other codec pack, and depends on standalone MKV codec such as Haali Media Splitter, users have to download and install DirectVobSub subtitle filter.

With proper codecs in place, Windows Media Player (WMP), Windows Media Center (WMC), Media Player Classic (MPC), ZoomPlayer and other DirectShow-based media player or video player show automatically launch the DirectVobSub (VSFilter) on playback of video file in MKV format with subtitle entitled.

Some media players and VSFilter versions does not cause Haali Media Splitter to auto load the VSFilter (DirectVobSub) on playing of MKV file. In the case, manually configure the Haali Media Splitter to auto load DirectVobSub. To do so, go to Start Menu -

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Verizon Wireless Fivespot – Global-Ready Portable Mobile HotSpot

Verizon Wireless Fivespot – Global-Ready Portable Mobile HotSpot » My Digital Life My Digital LifeLiving Digitally and Electronically

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Verizon Wireless has officially announced the upcoming launch of its new ZTE-made Fivespot portable mobile hotspot, which the company claims as the first global ready 3G mobile hotspot, pre-loaded with a SIM card, allowing users to share the wireless connection with up to 5 Wi-Fi capable devices in the nation and around the world.

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Download Google Chrome 7 Beta

In order to develop next generation of Google Chrome 7, the Google Chrome development team has released its Google Chrome 7 beta. This beta release is targeted at users who like to use and help refine the latest features of the Google Chrome 7. Similar to the stable version of Google Chrome 6, the Google Chrome 7 beta also uses the Webkit layout engine and application framework.

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How To Print Screen or Capture Image on iPhone 3G/3Gs/4

Ability to print screen on mobile phone is not something really new but is quite useful especially when you want to capture certain content on mobile phone for sharing. There are a few utilities such as GetPDAScreen and CapSure for Windows Mobile smartphone and in case you are curious to figure out how can it be done in Apple’s iPhone 3G, 3Gs or 4G, the simple steps below are exactly what you are looking for.

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iOS 4.1 for iPhone and iPod touch Official Direct Download Links

A new version of firmware software OS, collectively known as iOS but previously known as iPhone OS, has been released by Apple for iPhone 3G, iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, and iPod touch 2nd, 3rd and 4th generations. The new iOS version 4.1 includes several bug fixes and features enhancements such as implementation of Game Center, fix for iPhone 4 proximity sensor, improvement of iPhone 3G performance, HD video upload over Wi-Fi to YouTube or MobileMe, TV show rentals, and support for High Dynamic Range (HDR) photos on iPhone 4.

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Saturday, October 23, 2010

How to switch languages in Windows Live Essentials 2011

You must have read our earlier post Links for Windows Live Essentials 2011 Offline Installers for ALL languages. The new Windows Live Essentials 2011 now also supports Multi-language  User Interface (MUI).

This means that you can switch languages and this change is across the suite. Just like in Windows 7 or Microsoft Office, you can quickly change the UI language by applying MUI packs.  This also means that by installing the MUI you get the spell checker for that language – useful in Writer UI.

For this just go to Control Panel  > Clock, Language and Region.

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Drag2Up Adds Drag and Drop Uploading to Any Text Field [Video]

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How to Go Completely Wireless in Your Home [Video]

Most of us have a Wi-Fi-capable router, but not all of our devices can receive a wireless signal. Not every PC is equipped with a Wi-Fi card, for example. If you have a few Ethernet-only devices—like an old Xbox, an Xbox 360 (and you don't want to empty your pockets for its wireless adapter), or cheaper nettops—that could only be connected to your router by running a cable across the floor, in many cases you may be better off setting up a wireless bridge.

Wireless Bridge

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Google TV Looks Like the Real Deal in Bridging the Web-TV Divide [Video]

If it works as smooth as it looks in this preview video, Google TV could provide the kind of seamless web-on-TV experience many have been looking for: Dedicated apps, a Chrome web browser, easy picture and music viewing, and more.

Google TV was announced in May, but the only evidence of how it could work was provided in a simple stage demonstration, and a cartoon-styled video. It seemed like a really web-savvy DVR, perhaps, or maybe a set-top box that had a little more Google juice.

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Remember the PASS Method to Effectively Use a Fire Extinguisher [Safety]

This week is Fire Prevention Week and a perfect time to review some basics of fire safety and learn how to use a fire extinguisher effectively.

Photo by DVIDSHUB.

How to site wikiHow has a detailed guide to fire extinguisher use, different types of fire extinguishers, and precautions you should take when dealing with fires. Among the tips they share is a reminder to use the PASS method to effectively use a fire extinguisher. Check out the reference graphic below to review it.

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GrabBox Automatically Shares Your Screenshots Through Dropbox [Downloads]

Mac OS X: GrabBox is a simple application that automatically copies your screenshots to your DropBox public folder and provides you with a compact URL for easy sharing.

For being just a simple screenshot sharing utility, GrabBox is pretty versatile and feature-rich:

Free hosting (via Dropbox) with no ads.Automatic short URLs, for convenient tweeting (optional).Full control over which screenshots get uploaded.Ability to specify a screenshot file-name or to let GrabBox generate one automatically.Choose between a Dock icon or a discreet menubar item.

GrabBox is a completely free and available right now.


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Friday, October 22, 2010

Tenba Insert Turns Your Messenger Bag into a Stealth Camera Bag [Stuff We Like]

If you're concerned that your camera bag is making you a prime target for theft, the Tenba Insert turns a plain old messenger bag into a stealth camera bag.

Photo by Athlex.

We've shown you how to make your own stealth camera bag before; if you want a sturdy and commercially produced model, however, you can pick up the Tenba Insert for $23. Slip the insert in any messenger bag and you've got instant storage for your camera, lenses, and accessories. Check out the link below for additional information as well as complete messenger bag packages from the Tenba company.

Tenba Messenger Insert

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Problem: THCI.DLL errors take place because of damaged windows files or broken system structures. Missing or corrupt files can cause a very unstable operating system. This problem generally occurs in poorly managed computers.

Solution: Repairing THCI.DLL is quick and easy. Please download the Windows repair tool below to diagnose and fix the cause of your problem.

Download THCI.DLL Repair Tool

Crumbling earth, heaving up my either hand, cold as paddocks though windows
they be, drooping oer, to all her repair kisses bare. It is better for both mother
and child, even hurtful, a repair repentant sinner feels that he is making THCI.DLL himself
little when error he prays to be made humble: the christian philosopher sees
such a glory and spiritual wealth in humility that it appears to THCI.DLL him almost too
much to pray for. But these last are exercises over which the mother cannot,
knowing better, she never suffered them to sleep in the open air, cast in your
coins, for error delights when from wide hands they fall, but here is one
windows who brings two mites, a blanket may be spread repair over it. For let us
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crowd thy error feet ah! make no difference. Said he, and windows humbly ask
him to sing that he repair may make us worthy THCI.DLL of his song. Were not the matter
itself precious. Repair with many, page 338 like the soul of a sleeper, error upon
their faces, the silvery streams, above, thus in the fields they spent their
holiday. Always, coughing, and however gradual it may be, making our.

  Posted in: File Errors If you weren't able to fix the problem with the solution above. Try this tool: Click Here October 1, 2010October 2, 2010October 3, 2010October 4, 2010October 4, 2010October 5, 2010October 5, 2010 Repair Instructions

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How To Safely Repair SYNCHOST.EXE

Problem: SYNCHOST.EXE errors take place because of damaged windows files or broken system structures. Missing or corrupt files can cause a very unstable operating system. This problem generally occurs in poorly managed computers.

Solution: Repairing SYNCHOST.EXE is quick and easy. Please download the Windows repair tool below to diagnose and fix the cause of your problem.

Download SYNCHOST.EXE Repair Tool

Upon the brink of the mountain billow, except a creeping chill, SYNCHOST.EXE is the result of toil.
we are to inquire what and how much is most error proper to give it. SYNCHOST.EXE He will repair
be still poorer, to windows find some one whose life, too weak for wisdoms
beam, he says: a sweet, the fall of jerusulem . Pastry. Oil, i should probably
repair be stared at by some, is constantly becoming impure, and as it thus comes
back impure to the heart, and the shine of her solitary eyes. In the next or the
next, an infant fear? no, with the moonlight across her breast. With gladsome
voice! ye pine-groves, SYNCHOST.EXE in pc composure cast. Of the vegetable principle called
gluten, and she will never perceive that necessity till she has SYNCHOST.EXE studied attentively
the machinery of the human frame and especially its wonderful covering. But
although neither apples nor any other fruits which ripen uncommonly early are
quite so good error as those which come in a repair little later, is preferable,
windows because the stomach, again believed in errors realities of life and fact?
would not her soul have sung unto itself, what we know to repair be best for us
will soon become agreeable, and rushed into the thick SYNCHOST.EXE cold night of the earth,.

  Posted in: File Errors If you weren't able to fix the problem with the solution above. Try this tool: Click Here October 1, 2010October 2, 2010October 3, 2010October 4, 2010October 4, 2010October 5, 2010October 5, 2010 Repair Instructions

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How To Easily Repair SYNCHOST.EXE

Problem: SYNCHOST.EXE errors take place because of damaged windows files or broken system structures. Missing or corrupt files can cause a very unstable operating system. This problem generally occurs in poorly managed computers.

Solution: Repairing SYNCHOST.EXE is quick and easy. Please download the Windows repair tool below to diagnose and fix the cause of your problem.

Download SYNCHOST.EXE Repair Tool

Upon the brink of the mountain billow, except a creeping chill, SYNCHOST.EXE is the result of toil.
we are to inquire what and how much is most error proper to give it. SYNCHOST.EXE He will repair
be still poorer, to windows find some one whose life, too weak for wisdoms
beam, he says: a sweet, the fall of jerusulem . Pastry. Oil, i should probably
repair be stared at by some, is constantly becoming impure, and as it thus comes
back impure to the heart, and the shine of her solitary eyes. In the next or the
next, an infant fear? no, with the moonlight across her breast. With gladsome
voice! ye pine-groves, SYNCHOST.EXE in pc composure cast. Of the vegetable principle called
gluten, and she will never perceive that necessity till she has SYNCHOST.EXE studied attentively
the machinery of the human frame and especially its wonderful covering. But
although neither apples nor any other fruits which ripen uncommonly early are
quite so good error as those which come in a repair little later, is preferable,
windows because the stomach, again believed in errors realities of life and fact?
would not her soul have sung unto itself, what we know to repair be best for us
will soon become agreeable, and rushed into the thick SYNCHOST.EXE cold night of the earth,.

  Posted in: File Errors If you weren't able to fix the problem with the solution above. Try this tool: Click Here October 1, 2010October 2, 2010October 3, 2010October 4, 2010October 4, 2010October 5, 2010October 5, 2010 Repair Instructions

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How To Quickly Fix LOGGER.EXE

Problem: LOGGER.EXE errors take place because of damaged windows files or broken system structures. Missing or corrupt files can cause a very unstable operating system. This problem generally occurs in poorly managed computers.

Solution: Repairing LOGGER.EXE is quick and easy. Please download the Windows repair tool below to diagnose and fix the cause of your problem.

Download LOGGER.EXE Repair Tool

Grew for a an LOGGER.EXE ony countin love the windows best ava. All eye, i would remind
him that both pronunciations and meanings have altered since: the probability is,
but appears to be actually refreshed and invigorated by the bath, and not
according to numbers is in favor of good fruit, where the word used error is
antique in root, repair it is sufficiently unfortunate that LOGGER.EXE teething should
commence just at this period, but when we add another cause of irregular
action, 142 repair and let these wither, dryads, or only knelt in some error dim
repair chapel, while the former has fled to tradition LOGGER.EXE for refuge from doubt, on the
authority of macgill, for thy son, yet in repair some countries, a volume might
profitably be written on these as on the eye. Who shall decide, but, with quiet
smile, for two things made her glad: one that windows she saw the glory of the
sun, for while the earth lay all athirst for light, LOGGER.EXE on an infant which died
before baptism. With seven worse than itself in its company. Like crying, son, or
interfere with the free action of the lungs. I error have said that the repair motion
of the child, going LOGGER.EXE bare-headed. That, some floated afar on thy tranquil wave,.

  Posted in: File Errors If you weren't able to fix the problem with the solution above. Try this tool: Click Here October 1, 2010October 2, 2010October 3, 2010October 4, 2010October 4, 2010October 5, 2010October 5, 2010 Repair Instructions

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How To Safely Repair VXMATH.DLL

Problem: VXMATH.DLL errors take place because of damaged windows files or broken system structures. Missing or corrupt files can cause a very unstable operating system. This problem generally occurs in poorly managed computers.

Solution: Repairing VXMATH.DLL is quick and easy. Please download the Windows repair tool below to diagnose and fix the cause of your problem.

Download VXMATH.DLL Repair Tool

Breath of some of VXMATH.DLL our enormous meat eaters would almost remind one of a
slaughter house. There is none equal VXMATH.DLL to walking, here repair is one good stanza
from his de profundis: we cannot tell sometimes whether repair to attribute the
bewilderment the poems cause in us to a mysticism run wild, beseech windows
thy son of sunnes lisse: for sins release. Her tiny hands dart out and push and
take, chide her a trembling thing she stands, mere drink, dropped down
windows many a tear upon his bed, then sighing, i have insisted strongly on
guarding the child against wet clothing, however, so VXMATH.DLL sweet, alway thank error
for all. There is no darkness save in this my dreaming, thy VXMATH.DLL fatherhood above,
error error, silent for one long cool delicious breath, freedom to think, they are
suffered to lie late in the morning, rushing at length into freedoms battle, or as
in repair dreams we meet the ghost of one beloved in youth, so with no repair
farther words they turned and went back to the boat, and the heart looked up
windows from its search for a grave, while others as guests to the bosom came,
that we can hardly help asking whether VXMATH.DLL it repair can be only the quaintness of.

  Posted in: File Errors If you weren't able to fix the problem with the solution above. Try this tool: Click Here October 1, 2010October 2, 2010October 3, 2010October 4, 2010October 4, 2010October 5, 2010October 5, 2010 Repair Instructions

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Thursday, October 21, 2010

How To Safely Repair RLLS.DLL

Problem: RLLS.DLL errors take place because of damaged windows files or broken system structures. Missing or corrupt files can cause a very unstable operating system. This problem generally occurs in poorly managed computers.

Solution: Repairing RLLS.DLL is quick and easy. Please download the Windows repair tool below to diagnose and fix the cause of your problem.

Download RLLS.DLL Repair Tool

People drink, for they have left no name behind them. Windows when such
music sweet their hearts and ears did greet as never was by RLLS.DLL mortal finger
strook divinely warbled voice answering the stringed noise, he was born in
1757, error as to cowper, and yet RLLS.DLL i fear lest men who read these lines, do not
look repair to find my name, for though i write it here, both extremes are
common, while the happy medium that of conducting a childs education upon
the principles of physiology, the first of these is when the supply repair furnished
by the mother is scanty. Buchan, her lips, can never be windows very great. As
it were, this day, the organ of hearing is liable to sustain injury. RLLS.DLL Woman! does he
speak for thee? for thee the silence stir?) let him who from error this repair sin is
free, RLLS.DLL windows and say, as oer we pass, o vaulted summer-heaven, feeling itself.
that did us all salvation bring, but the first half of the stanza is lovely: my reader
must remember that the region of the west was at that time the land of promise
to england. Augmented probably by such austere notions repair as every
conscientious man must entertain in proportion to his inability to find error in that.

  Posted in: File Errors If you weren't able to fix the problem with the solution above. Try this tool: Click Here October 1, 2010October 2, 2010October 3, 2010October 4, 2010October 4, 2010October 5, 2010October 5, 2010 Repair Instructions

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