Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Create Humans.Txt for Websites with Humans Txt WordPress Plugin

in Wordpress

You might have heard about the term ‘Robots.txt’ which is used in websites to tell search robots that which pages you would like them not to visit or give access to them. So basically these Robots.txt is for search robots. Similar to that, there is a concept called ‘Humans.txt’ to tell human beings that who is behind the website such as developers and designers.

Human.txt is an initiative for knowing the people behind a website. It’s a TXT file that contains information about the different people who have contributed to building the website. In Humans.txt file you can mention the developer, the designer, the copywriter, the webmaster, the SEO, SEM or SMO. As you can see, the number of people who may take part of the creation of a site can be big, so the list is almost endless.

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