Saturday, September 11, 2010

Sony PS3 ModChip (PS JailBreak Hack) USB Dongle for Crack and Dump Games

Sony PS3 (PlayStation 3) is one of the most secure game console currently, in term of ability of been hacked or cracked to play backed-up (read: pirated or illegal duplicated copy) games. Finally, after 4 years since the PS3 was released, hackers have managed to crack the PS3 to play homemade or homebrew games, and save games on the PS3 hard disk drive, through hardware-based modchip in the form of USB key, where else the rest of the game consoles such as XBox 360 and Nintendo Wii have been hacked much earlier.

A hacker group from China, Hong Kong or Malaysia, PS JailBreak, is claiming to manage to crack the Sony PS3, and is releasing a USB dongle that allows PlayStation 3 users to play pirated and homemade games, or otherwise known as homebrew. Previously, Sony PS3 was closed to been hacked by GeoHot, though never went beyond proof of concept, before Sony plugged the OtherOS loophole with firmware 3.21.

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